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Transparent Image Textures

Open your image up you wish to make transparent. A simple version is below with a coloured

The size of the image I’m going to be doing is 256 by 256, you can use what ever you want.
Now go to FILE select NEW and make it a 256 by 256 transparent image

     to get this -->  

Now then I go back to the image I want to make transparent and select the portion I want . I use
the magic wand for this and I set the TOLERANCE.

Now as I’m selecting the portion I want I adjust the tolerance to a lower number so I do not end
up selecting the black area. Zoom in helps (may be another way, but this is how I do it)

Now go to EDIT select COPY
Then go to the new untitled image you made 256 by 256 transparent and then goto EDIT and

As Seen Here

From here all I do is go to FILE and select SAVE FOR WEB
Be sure to make sure transparent is selected in the screen you see below and the hit OK
A save menu will pop up and you can save it as whatever . I titled mine grass1 . And then that’s it
for making a transparent png file

The below pic is the image opened in Paint shop pro so I could use the image info screen to show
you there is no alpha channel

Now you can use milkshape to make you grass. I can post another quick tut on that if ya's want
on how to use the image. Below is what you can make using the image I put up here:



This tutorial was originally written by Dr Evil, all Credits to him.