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- Create Date April 17, 2022
- Last Updated May 25, 2022
War On Terror Mod
This mod is all about making the game look a lot different that the game itself. With all the new skins, sounds, images, and text the game will feel a lot different then BHD:TS.
All the buildings most of the vehicles have all new skins to make it look like they have been there for a long time.
All the new sounds for the game will make the game a lot funner when using the old and the new weapons. The new text in the game will blow you away from the kill to the death messages.
This mod was made for people to battle more and more and to have a lot new and better things to use.
Added all new skins to every thing
Added new sounds to all things in the game
Added all new menu pics to the game
Added new weapons:
BR55 Rifle
BR55.6 Rifle
M16 Scoped
Car/15 Scoped
G36 Scoped
G3 Scoped
M60 Silenced
G3 Scoped Silenced
M16 No Scope
Car/15 No Scope
M6c Auto Pistol
LG55 Machine Gun
Added all new death and kill messages
Added new grass for gungle and desert
Added all new team names ( replaced Red & Blue Team with differ name )
Added a new binocular skin.. ( you can see more with this skin )
And much more.....